Thanks for peeking in on Sofia's latest adventures!

Sofia wants you to hear from you, so feel free to add witty and insightful comments.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Weekend News

Well we had another busy week and weekend. Sofia is doing better then ever. She is eating more, talking more, running faster, laughing hard these days. She seems to be talking the whole day, or it seems. She will say "look" and point at something, whether it is a dog, shoe, or any other object she recognizes.

Early signs point to her being an organized little bug, as she seems to try and put things in "their" place. She has become quite helpful with laundry and putting garbage in the trash can.

With the warmer weather these days, we have been able to enjoy more time outside. We have a nice park 2 blocks away and also have a good backyard where Sofia and the dogs can run around.

So, the big news in the last few weeks is that Sofia is now "on her own" and does not sleep with us anymore. We are still in the same room, but she is in her crib. We kept her in bed with us just about 1 year after bringing her home. The adjustment has gone so well (knock on wood!).
She doesn't seem to mind it at all and I think we are all sleeping ok.
I do miss having her in bed with us, but this is a bit easier. So we'll see how it works out.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Video is here!!

She was a talking machine today!!!
Well, she does more than you can see in the video.

And here is good time in the ol bathtub

Monday, April 21, 2008

Our Big Sofia!!

Here are a few pics from the trip Mommy & Sofia took to California. We had a great time and got to see Jeff, Sarah & Chloe.

This one is just to see if everyone is still looking :)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Belated Update

I know, I know-there has been no update in 2 weeks here. I was gone for 12 nights for a work trip. It was painful as I missed SOOOO much while I was gone. I arrived back on Sunday to a whole new person. No more baby, no more little girl---I have no clue where Sofia went. I was greeted with a new Sofia. She is amazing beyond belief and is walking, walking, and hardly needs up anymore. She says look, amongst some other new words. She can speak in full sentences now, even though we don't know what she is talking about. She is running full blast and is in love with deodorant.

Anyway, I am back with my baby and my Janie. We are beyond SUPER busy with work on our house. So that is the other reason for the lack of updates this week.

I hope everyone is doing well and getting good weather wherever you are.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Sofia Wiggles with the Wiggles

This is my favorite picture and pretty much sums up the experience!  Here are a few pics from Sofia's first concert... We were fortunate enough to get to go see the Wiggles LIVE!! Sofia had a great time and by the end was dancing in the aisle.  It was a good thing we had 2nd row seats to keep her attention (one of the perks of having a daddy who deals tickets for a living).