Thanks for peeking in on Sofia's latest adventures!

Sofia wants you to hear from you, so feel free to add witty and insightful comments.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

More Park

As the good weather continues, our trips to the park will continue. We got back today from the park and the little bug is tired out. She dug sand, shared sand, laughed at the sand. She REALLY likes sand. I guess as a kid, I enjoyed sand. They all seem to love it, meaning the children. But as an adult I do not like sand at all. So, i have had to put that aside as a parent:) I have come full circle now to not mind playing,scooping, and walking in sand. I sat Sofia on a teeter-totter today for the 1st time and had her go up and down a few times (I was holding her, so don't freak out Mike) and she kept laughing.

Her new favorite toy this week is the vacuum cleaner. She loves to mount it as if it will start moving. But she likes the shape and size that allow her to get on and off it with ease. And for a food update that you have all been waiting for.....she is eating more meat these days. She still will not eat ALOT of it, but has increased her intake. "Mama" is her favorite word this week and she has said Daddy maybe 10 times total. Oh well, I will not hold it against her.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


So i took Sofia over to the new house to see the cats yesterday after work. As we were over there, I noticed it was still nice and sunny out and it was already 5:05pm!!! Thankfully we are headed slowly out of winter season.

So we went over to the park by the new house, which we had not gone to before. It is 4 blocks away, which will be great as we can walk there. But we drove yesterday because we were not going to have much daylight left. Thumbs up to the new park which Sofia loved. She still is not much for the swings at all, refusing to be put in one. But she does love the slide--ANY slide.
There were also plenty of dogs there, which she enjoys to watch and say "wow" or "dog".

She also had her 1st gymnastics class yesterday. Jane took her and met her aunt, who has a 2 year old granddaughter, Taylyn. Sofia did well for her 1st time and I can't wait to go see her there-They are going to go Monday mornings. Today they are going to a swim class together.

And to finish up the weekend, Sofia had a party at Papa' Pizza-where they have a HUGE kids play room to make up for the average food served there. We met Taylyn and her mom Sunday night there for dinner. Some of the pictures are below. Sofia drew a great amount of confusion at first with the giant ball pit. She seemed to be unsure of how many balls there were and where they came from.

Friday, February 22, 2008

It happens more than you think

Anyway, so we went to the grocery store Wednesday for an afternoon outing to get all the essentials. After shopping we went back to the car to go home and i opened the trunk to put in the groceries then closed the trunk. I then took Sofia and put her in her car seat while she played with the car keys. I buckled her in and then got the car keys from her and tossed them into the front seat as I always do. I closed Sofia's door and went to open the driver's side door.

It was locked!

So I stood there and stared in the car seeing my baby in the backseat and keys laying on the front seat. In the 8 seconds Sofia had the keys while getting in her seat, she had pressed the button to lock the doors.

So I called Jane as I began to freak out slightly. She came over with her parents and we took about 40 minutes and finally got the car unlocked thanks to her stepdad. We also called a service, Pop A Lock (800-POPALOCK) and they came just as Bruce opened up the car. They arrived much faster than the roadside assistance for our car insurance. Keep their # handy in case you ever need it. The Pop A Lock guy said that this is th 54th call since August that they have had for this situation--so it does happen more than I ever thought:)

Sofia actually held up really well during all this. The 1st 20 minutes she hung out with no real problem. The last twenty was not as pleasant. But thankfully no one was hurt and I learned a valuable lesson!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Late Weekend Wrapup

Sorry I am late for updates. We got back from San Francisco late last night after a fun filled, action packed weekend. Sofia had a splendid time seeing all of her San Francisco family. She was a great traveler and was geared up to have that special 1st kiss!!!

Unfortunately we did not capture any video or pictures of the special moment. But my parent's neighbor has a 20 month old who Sofia played with and she snuck one kiss on him to make history.

Hopefully she will wait 23 more years to kiss another boy.

The other highlight of the weekend was the party on Sunday for Tommy and Katy's engagement party. We all got dressed up including yours truly. Funny thing is, someone else had the same dress as her!! The other crazy thing is that there were 2 other girls there born within 3 days of Sofia!

Anyway, we had a great time and here some pictures from the last week. I am tired and going to bed.

Below is a picture of Sofia's boyfriend from the weekend. Sorry it is a bit blurry, but they could not stop running around:)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Another video

This is from the snow storm that blew through Eugene last month

Video is here!!

Here is a clip from last week!


I know it has not been updated in a few days. It is early Tuesday now. I got lots of QT with Sofia over the weekend, as mom was working over at the new house. Sofia and I played chase around the house and did quite a bit of dancing. The weather was nice Saturday, so we took a walk to the park as well, which was alot of fun. I have forgot to share with all of you that she now can identify different body parts by pointing with her finger. She can point out her ear,nose,mouth,eye, and foot. And point to those parts on our bodies as well.

Well, we have a big trip this coming week. We drive up to Portland Thursday to pick up Lexi and catch a flight to the Bay Area. We will be staying at Grandma and Grandpa's for 4 nights. We are going for an engagement party that a friend is having. So we all can get dressed up Sunday. Sofia most certainly will be able to show off new relearned walking skills to the family down there.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Eating Machine

As she is growing, I guess she gets more hungry. Sofia put on an eating display last night. Jane prepared a great pasta bake with chicken last night. And Sofia sure loved it. It is always a good sign if we have to bathe her after dinner. That means she really liked the meal. She still is not too much into meat. So we try to sneak it in there via ground beef or chicken.

As you can see below, we have started having her eat with a spoon. She has done it a few times and seems to be a natural at it. We'll see how long it is until she launches the spoon and/or the bowl off her food tray.

In addition to all that, yesterday was more of the usual--with her walking about 167 circles in the front of the house.

In this 1st picture, she is not sad or anything-I know it looks that way. She was just playing with a ball at the end of the hallway and I thought it was a nice shot.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Walking and Talking

What a treat it was to come home Sunday night!!

As soon as Sofia saw me from the car, she started laughing. I hope she meant it in a good way:) It was great to see my girls and get back to normal life. I got the last 2 days off work, which was well received by everybody. I got caught up to speed with all the latest happenings with Sofia and the new house.

She got so much bigger in the time I was gone. She is now walking circles around the house. And she has picked up the word "go" and is constantly talking. She got her bangs cut by Mommy and is just the most adorable little angel.

Here are some pictures from the last 2 days with her. We went to the mall and then to shop for tile. Sofia will turn out like mom and will be able to shop all day!!