Thanks for peeking in on Sofia's latest adventures!

Sofia wants you to hear from you, so feel free to add witty and insightful comments.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

New Pictures

Daddy is slightly injured and was diagnosed with tenosynovitis. So typing will be to a minimum.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Weekly Update

Much apologies to the devoted fans out there. The last week has been busy, which explains the lack of blogging. But fear no more, the blogging continues. Sofia is turning into quite the character these days. She is aware of the word "no", knows the power of her bite, and thinks she knows it's time not to go to bed.

By no means, do I mean this in a bad it's all the fun we get to go through as parents of our 1st child. I mean, we can't have it too easy. So we just enjoy her as she gets older day by day. She is standing up on her own for a good 2 seconds now, until she decides she would rather sit down.

Today was relaxing as I took her out for walk to get some fresh air. We stopped at the front of the neighborhood and had a "picnic". She had a piece of toast and I had an apple. Some big plans were made for a trip for the 3 of us, as we will take the little one to see Jane's birthplace and hometown. We can take in all the sights of cranberries and "bogs!!!" I don't know what a bog is, so Sofia and I can learn together.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Butt Crawling

What is butt crawling you ask? Sofia is beginning to figure out how to stand up. She does this backwards crawl on her butt as if she is trying to stand up. It is very amusing and we have some video of it. We don't know how to get video on the blog yet. I know we have to maybe post it first on Youtube and then upload it. If anyone out there knows, feel free to shed some light.
Besides the butt crawling, her 1st tooth is ready to chomp and she is not afraid to use it:)

Below are a few pix to enjoy

Shopping with mom. We were trying on tiaras for my upcoming 1st Birthday!

Sleepy time!!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Weekend wrapup

Hope everyone had a fun weekend!

Our trip to Eugene was a big hit! We hit the road about 7:45am and Sofia was great the whole way down. After arriving, we got to relax with Bruce and Linda and watch the dogs enjoy enjoy each other. For those that don't know--we have two Italian greyhounds and they have two toy poodles. So as you can imagine---it was quite a dog fest. And later on in the day, two chihuahuas also joined in.

We got Sofia to lay down for a good afternoon nap and then it was time to party. Bruce and Linda put on quite the feast for everyone and we got celebrate two birthdays--Dakota and Zoe.
As usual, I contributed the guacamole, which I always love to put together. Sofia was quite a hit as people had not seen her since our trip to Eugene on Memorial Day.

Well enough babbling and on to the pictures.

Friday, August 10, 2007


We are all glad it's now Friday. Sofia really enjoys the weekends as she needs to unwind after a long work week. You how how tiring it can be to play for 5 days straight. She loves getting away from the office for a few days and just relaxing with the family.

She and daddy had quite the trip out this afternoon, as Daddy had some trouble with the stroller/baby carrier in the hot, hot heat of the Wal Mart parking lot. Daddy finally figured out the different contraptions and got all the shopping done as Sofia got a nice nap inside inside such the beautiful confines of Wal Mart!!!!!!!!!!! (that was sarcasm)

Tomorrow will be quite the adventure as we are making the drive to Eugene and back (both on Saturday). It is roughly a two hour drive and we have to plan each way to hope she will sleep some or part of the way while in the car. We are going to celebrate 2 birthday's at Jane's parents house, so it will be a fun day.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Post Celebration

She is tuckered out after a LONG celebration after such a great event. At 8:51 tonight, Barry Bonds hit #756. As you can see Sofia knew it was a special day when she got dressed this morning and got her Giants shirt on. Hopefully she has the same luck when she buys her 1st lottery ticket!! It was great we could all watch it together and hopefully Sofia will get to see him hit a few more.

He did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are all able to witness history tonight. Thankfully Barry hit it before bedtime!!!

Pictures to follow shortly

Monday, August 6, 2007

Another Busy Day

When does football season start? I'm all ready for my first Ducks Game! QUACK QUACK!!!!

It's been a long day of chasing the dogs...
Come down Pixie, so I can chase you some more!

Quick... Back this thing up, so I can get them doggies!

How much cuter do I look in a pink walker? Mom wishes it was pink, so she pimped my walker in Photoshop!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Nothing Exciting

Pretty uneventful day up here in the Couv. I wanted to have the blog last more than 1 day, so I felt obligated to post something. It was fun to read the comments people posted on the blog. Thanks for looking!!!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Family Visit

We had company for dinner tonight. Linda, Karen, and Dakota stopped by to visit and we went out for a steak dinner. She and Dakota get a long so well. He made her laugh during the whole meal

Sofia had a long day playing with the new puppy over at aunt Shelli's house. So she should sleep well tonight!

Sofia's 1st Giants Game - GO GIANTS!!!

This was taken last month in San Francisco

1st Pictures (A Few of our Faves)

Sofia and Tim in April

Jane and Sofia in April

Sofia in June

Sofia in June

Sofia at the end of July. Her new thing is sticking her tongue out to feel the new tooth.

My (our) 1st blog

The future has arrived and we now have a blog. I admit I never really "understood" the point of blogs and thought they were a tad silly. But I recently got inspired by a friend who had a interesting blog about their child. So we will see how long this lasts.

This blog is primarily to share and update the adventures of our baby Sofia. As you know we began the adoption process last July. Within 10 months, we arrived home with the most precious baby. On April 17, 2007 we landed at PDX and we were more than ready to begin life in the US with our newest member to our family. She was joining what was already a crowded house. We already had a few babies that included 2 dogs and 2 cats.

Fast forward to August 4th (today)..... Sofia is doing great and having seemed to adjust quite well. She is moving all over and keeping us quite busy. She has her 1st tooth coming in (we can feel it's tip). We enjoy all the time we have with her whether it's playing, eating, or quiet time.

So I hope to update the blog a few times a week with some pictures,as I know that is what most will want to see.