Thanks for peeking in on Sofia's latest adventures!

Sofia wants you to hear from you, so feel free to add witty and insightful comments.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Repeat Blog

I apologize for the lack of news these days, as well as pictures.
We have been super busy with work and our renovation.
Sofia is getting bigger each day and heavier to pick up as well :)

I thought it would be fun to flashback and share the the pictures from our 2nd blog post, which was August 4, 2007. So the below pictures were taken 12 months ago, and some earlier than that.

My, how time flies!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

She went to the fair!

Our little fairy at the fair.

Sofia loved the fair, the Oregon Country Fair, that is. Here is some video of our little dancing fairy! Pictutres to follow...

Thursday, July 10, 2008

July 4th - Part 2 - Sofia on Parade

The parade was great fun! Uncle Carl drove the big fire truck and all the cousins were invited along for the ride!

July 4th - Part 1 - The Wedding

Here are some wedding pics! Sofia had her first gig as a flower girl, along with cousin Tori.

If you want to see more, check out the blog at The Wedding Blog

We had a super action packed day on the 4th of July. It started with a wedding... Grandpa Norm and Grannie Lyn got married in the morning followed by a quick breakfast.... then we were off to the parade!

Quick Update

We made it to San Francisco on Saturday. We had the best day because Sofia was so good... She watched Cinderella x 3 and Barnyard x 4 on the way!! We left Bandon at 8am and made it to San Francisco at 7pm. All in all, it took 9 hours in the car and we stopped for 2 breaks of 1 hour. Sofia was AMAZING. She hardly fussed the entire ride.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Bandon+San Francisco--Here we come!!

Well technically, we are in Bandon now. We left yesterday after work and Sofia was an ANGEL for the 2 hour and 45 minute drive. It also helped she watched Cinderella and Barnyard.

We are here until Saturday morning and then we head to San Francisco for a week. Hmmmm.. are we really driving to San Francisco (9 hours away) with a 21 month old in the car.....


For weeks now, Jane and I have talked about how bad a decision this may turn out to be.
So we will update you after the long drive and let you know how it goes.

In other news, we have a FULL day planned for the 4th which includes 1 wedding, 2 bbq's, 1 parade (which we may be riding on a fire truck), and of course... FIREWORKS.

Checking out the fishies

Cousin Tori ready for the 4th

Sofia getting to play with new toys

Lucy posing for the camera