Thanks for peeking in on Sofia's latest adventures!

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

July 4th - Part 2 - Sofia on Parade

The parade was great fun! Uncle Carl drove the big fire truck and all the cousins were invited along for the ride!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the pictures! That must have been so much fun! Once again, it is AMAZING that Sofia can do all kinds of stuff like this- I eagerly await to find out if she will remember one bit of any of this in a few years... but I know these are the memories that you won't forget. That is so awesome that you get to do this kind of stuff, whether it be weddings, parties, parades, engagement parties, dinner parties and the like. When I was Sofia's age I sat around and did nothing... but Sofia has done 21 months of stuff that took 10 years for me to do any of those kinds of things. I have never been in a parade or to an engagement or dinner party. That is just so great that you are letting her do all that stuff. In my opinion, doing those things and doing a wide variety of things early in life is what pays off for life experience and what makes you well-rounded and have had some interesting things going on in your life. I am so impressed at how Sofia is doing. She has personality and expression. In my pictures of me when I was her age, I did not have personality or expression, but Sofia never ceases to amaze me at how great she is doing.
By the way- I love how your blog looks. How did you do that? I want to kind of redesign my blog.