Thanks for peeking in on Sofia's latest adventures!

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Monday, September 17, 2007

More Costumes and the Weekend Wrapup

We got back yesterday from another 2 night trip to Eugene. We a great time with Linda and Bruce (one set of Sofia's many grandparents), while Sofia kept herself busy watching the 4 crazy dogs play. She was great for each of the 2 hour car rides we had and slept most of the way. It's adds a whole new dimension to travel and is fun to strategize as to when we should leave for a car ride of that length. It worked out well and had each leg of the trip coincide with her nap time.

As I write this, Sofia is "singing" herself to sleep. This singing or moaning is a mixture of baby babbling and high pitched noises humming.

In other news, Mo and Lucille (another set Grandparents) are making their way up from San Francisco this week for a Thursday arrival. They have not seen her since mid July, so that will be a fun time.

Jane got out Sofia's alternate costumes the other day and we had a blast trying them on. She really enjoyed each of them, but I think the princess won out over the cat by a narrow margin, but the witch is still in the lead.

Sofia sitting in her toy bin at Grandma's house!

Sofia in her pincess costume and holding the tiara.

In the car with my cute bow.

All smiles in the princess dress!

I make a really cute kitty... can you see my bow?


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you have a better traveler on your hands than we do. We just suck it up and make it happen, doing our best to time drives and flights around naptime. :)

Also, I love all the pics, but I think my favorite is the one of her squeezing into the tiny bin. Why do they do that? Babies are so weird! Sagan does stuff like that all the time.


Anonymous said...

I love the princess outfit.
I have to say though that she looks really good in the witch costume with the cat.LOL!