Thanks for peeking in on Sofia's latest adventures!

Sofia wants you to hear from you, so feel free to add witty and insightful comments.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

I miss her already!!!

The girls just left to go to Vancouver for the week. It is Sunday night and I will not see them until 2 weeks from today. Why you ask? Jane had to go up to Vancouver for work and comes back Friday. I leave Tuesday for 13 nights for a work trip.

Anyway, the last week was a LONG one, as the girls spent most of the time under the weather. Jane is still slightly sick and had a bad cold all week. Our little one didn't have it that bad, but still seemed to not to be her usual crazy self. She had a great day today and it was good to see her well again before they left.

Everyone tells me how quick "they grow up" and "enjoy them while they are this age". For every time I hear that, I notice it in great magnitude. I catch myself blown away at how tall, big, fast, funny, loud, smart, strong, and clever our baby (she is not a baby anymore) is. But she is and will always be our baby. In the pictures below you will see her enjoying her 1st backpack. My mind quickly thought of how before I know it I will be dropping her off (with a different backpack most likely) for 1st grade, 8th grade, etc.

That's enough of a deep thought for tonight. Anyway, Sofia is the best and we are very lucky to have her in our lives.

Back to that backpack.....

She got that Saturday and could not stop rolling it around or carrying it or packing things into it. We were amazed, as most things keep her attention for not more than 1-2 minutes. But she was attached to the duck backpack. And it is fitting as she will have a trip out to Oklahoma in May and I'm sure they will get a kick out of that, since they are HUGE duck fans out in Oklahoma!!


Alison Randall said...

She is getting so big! That bathtub hair is awesome. :) I was out running errands today and started thinking how I miss Sagan even when he's just with the babysitter for a few hours. I can't imagine two weeks! But it'll pass quickly for you, I hope.

And, you're welcome for the post. I did that just for you, Mr. Impatient! ;)


I like your pictures
I wish I had a camera so I could take some pictures of Sofia!!!!!!