Thanks for peeking in on Sofia's latest adventures!

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Friday, March 7, 2008

Uh Oh its a Pink Ball

Well those are 2 different items for the week. "Uh oh" is her new and I guess 1st phrase she has been speaking. She likes to say it so much, she will repeat it sometimes if said to her. Even better is that she will say it sometimes after dropping something. This led us to wonder who in the house says Uh oh and we don't have a clue who does say it. Regardless, it is her favorite word right now. She has also been saying daddy much more, which is nice to hear. We got a few evenings where her mood was so good that we got some laughing that was almost equal to a yell or a scream, which made us laugh just as hard.

Now, the pick ball. Jane and her were shopping yesterday and they walked by a ball display (you know those round bouncy ones perfect for kickball) and Sofia says "ball". That was enough for Jane to get her the pick one to bring home with them. She carried it around as much as she could yesterday and loved to watch me dribble it in front of her and really laughed alot at the ball.

Have a good weekend!!

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