Thanks for peeking in on Sofia's latest adventures!

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Monday, October 15, 2007

Belated Update

Well we have been busy up here, which is my excuse for not updating the blog.

We made a trip to Eugene last Thursday and got back Sunday morning. We had a great time with Jane's parents (as usual), as the city of Eugene is at it's prettiest at this time of year. The best thing about our home in Eugene is not 1, but 2 fireplaces!! Nothing beats the smell and sound of a real fire in the house.

Now that we left Eugene, our dogs have become sad. They usually get pouty when we take them away from their cousin dogs. But the dogs got some good news yesterday as the days are getting shorter until we live in Eugene.

Back to the baby....She is not walking yet, but seems to get closer by the day. And we we about to reverse her car seat so she faces forward. She is eating more and more every day, getting to try new foods all the time. Her new favorite is sweet potatoes, which we had each night over the weekend. She even emphasizes her interest, with an "oh" after each bite.

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