Thanks for peeking in on Sofia's latest adventures!

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007


No new pictures today, but I did want to take the time to say hello to all those faithful readers out there in cyberspace. We just finished up dinner a bit ago. Sofia thought it would be fun to lather up her clean hair with her dinner of mashed potatoes and corn.

That makes the most sense, right? I mean who would not want to put your dinner in the clean hair that sits on your head.

Anyway we are about to put her to bed. She is currently spouting some new teeth, which results in not the best night's sleep. We are lucky, as the nights she does not sleep too great do not involve any crying/screaming/yelling that we have heard that can be involved with teething issues. Sofia really just can't sleep too well sometimes when the teeth are bothering her. She is a good sport about it and does not give off the impression that their is much pain to go along with it, just some annoyance.

Anyway--hope everyone had a good day.

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