Thanks for peeking in on Sofia's latest adventures!

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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Words are flowing out

It was daddy-daughter day today as Mommy was a painting machine over at the new house.

We started off going to Hiron's, which S always likes. It is a hard place to describe if you have not been there before. They have lots of, umm, junk. Well, I think it is. Other people (like Jane) love the place, as they have lots of cool knick knicks and random merchandise galore. But S loves going there and we had to pick up something at their pharmacy. While we had a few minutes to kill at the pharmacy, we walked next door to the hot dog place. S and I shared potato salad and a big sausage. I don't know which she liked more-but she did get full!!

From there we to check in on Mommy for a quick hello. Then it was off to the famous Eugene Saturday Market. We had a nice overcast 65 degree day--so it was good walking weather. S had a great time listening to the music and sampling different food and drinks. And her new favorite sport is Hacky Sack. She was mesmerized by the groups playing it. And we are in Eugene, so there was alot of Hacky Sack being played.

Oh, and the new words today were down, ucky (yucky), ready, pretty.

When Sofia says Bunny-- it comes out like "bubpy" She also uses "bubpy" to say baby or puppy.

Anyway--enjoy the weekend.

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