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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Late Weekend Wrapup

Sorry I am late for updates. We got back from San Francisco late last night after a fun filled, action packed weekend. Sofia had a splendid time seeing all of her San Francisco family. She was a great traveler and was geared up to have that special 1st kiss!!!

Unfortunately we did not capture any video or pictures of the special moment. But my parent's neighbor has a 20 month old who Sofia played with and she snuck one kiss on him to make history.

Hopefully she will wait 23 more years to kiss another boy.

The other highlight of the weekend was the party on Sunday for Tommy and Katy's engagement party. We all got dressed up including yours truly. Funny thing is, someone else had the same dress as her!! The other crazy thing is that there were 2 other girls there born within 3 days of Sofia!

Anyway, we had a great time and here some pictures from the last week. I am tired and going to bed.

Below is a picture of Sofia's boyfriend from the weekend. Sorry it is a bit blurry, but they could not stop running around:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sofia and Aden look so cute together! LOL. I had agreat weekend with you guys. Thanks for taking me. Unfotunately I have not been to school for the last two days. Hope to see you soon.
