Thanks for peeking in on Sofia's latest adventures!

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Weekly Update

Much apologies to the devoted fans out there. The last week has been busy, which explains the lack of blogging. But fear no more, the blogging continues. Sofia is turning into quite the character these days. She is aware of the word "no", knows the power of her bite, and thinks she knows it's time not to go to bed.

By no means, do I mean this in a bad it's all the fun we get to go through as parents of our 1st child. I mean, we can't have it too easy. So we just enjoy her as she gets older day by day. She is standing up on her own for a good 2 seconds now, until she decides she would rather sit down.

Today was relaxing as I took her out for walk to get some fresh air. We stopped at the front of the neighborhood and had a "picnic". She had a piece of toast and I had an apple. Some big plans were made for a trip for the 3 of us, as we will take the little one to see Jane's birthplace and hometown. We can take in all the sights of cranberries and "bogs!!!" I don't know what a bog is, so Sofia and I can learn together.


Anonymous said...

Yes, as a faithful blog reader I was begining to get disappointed at my daily checks. Your doing a wonderful job and we love seeing Sofia.

Anonymous said...

she is so sweet! you two are doing a great job with her! while you are down south you should take her to the lighthouse park for some pictures!